PinnedWhat is Db2?“What’s your job?” — I was asked by my friend after a tennis game. “I’m a Db2 database administrator” — I answered immediately. “Oh…Mar 20Mar 20
I created my table in the wrong schema! How to change the table schema in Db2 LUW?If you already have some experience with Db2 LUW (or just any other relational database system), you must have made lots of silly mistakes…Dec 13Dec 13
I installed Db2 LUW 12.1 on Mac (with Apple Silicon) — here is how to do it!I have been waiting months for this day. When I was told (at PDUG conference) that Db2 12.1 would be released on November 14th, I started…Nov 18Nov 18
Automate your REORGs in Db2 LUW (simple script inside)Running REORGs is one of the cyclic maintenance jobs you run against your tables. The best time to reorganise a table is the lowest traffic…Oct 4Oct 4
How to properly REORG a TABLE in Db2 LUW — different scenariosHow do you know that your table needs a reorg? Are there many empty pages? Maybe you did many deletes lately or changed column types? Or…Sep 13Sep 13
How to tell if your tables need a REORG? A case study using REORGCHK (Db2 LUW)When I started my first job as a DBA, I was shown the crontab of one of the database servers I was supposed to manage. I remember noticing…Aug 14Aug 14
Clean up your table! Why, when and how to REORG a Db2 LUW table (introduction)Why do you tidy your room sometimes? How do you know when it’s the time to do it? Do you do it on a weekly basis or when it’s too…Jul 22Jul 22
DMS — database managed space in Db2 LUWLong time ago the disk space in Db2 LUW was always managed by the operating system. This storage model is called (in Db2 world) the SMS…Jun 1Jun 1
Too big to be REORGed (Db2 LUW)Recently I REORGed some big tables. Even though they were partitioned, it turned out that some partitions are too big to be reorganised in…May 21May 21
SMS — system managed space in Db2 LUWWhen we think about a relational database, we see tables, where you can add, delete and sort rows. We also see schemas that connect these…May 16May 16